Wednesday 2 December 2020

Windows server 2019 Remote Desktop Host with Search installed

 The way Windows 2019 / Windows 10 works with search has changed.  the short of it is that now parts are stored in the user profile which can have issues with User Profile Disks.

If you are seeing the follow event in the event log

Event Log: Application

Event Level: Error

Event Source: Search-ProfileNotify

Event ID: 2

Event Data: Unable to remove Windows Search Service indexed data for user '<User Name>’ in response to user profile deletion.  Error code 0x80004002

This can be the start of issues with Search for all users.  The fix is to make a task that triggers on this event to restart the search service.

Program: powershell.exe
Arguments: restart-service WSearch

This was taken from site so that I have it at hand if it comes back up again, but they go in to more details of the thing.

Windows Search in Server 2019 and Multi-Session Windows 10 – James Kindon (

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