Tuesday 1 June 2021

Office Deployment Tool - Rolling out Office 365 on to clients and remote hosts

ODT is good tool if you are manual installing Office 365 applications on to clients and or remote desktop hosts.

Office 365 applications are supported on remote desktop hosts with the right Microsoft 365 license (Office 365 E3, Microsoft 365 E5, Microsoft 365 Business Premium)

Users can also manual install Office from the www.office.com portal again with the right license, but a global admin could limit this if they wish to keep office on company only devices.  If this is the case then each device needs to have Office preinstalled which can be done with ODT.

The ODT tool as can be downloaded from here or from the link in the Overview below, encase they move it and the blog is outdated.

It comes with a few options but the ones we need are download and configuration, both need an XML file

The XML file can be sorted via the Office Customization Tool found here which helps build the XML file

Overview of the Office Deployment Tool - Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs

Overview of shared computer activation for Microsoft 365 Apps - Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs

Configuration options for the Office Deployment Tool - Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs

Overview of the Office Customization Tool - Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs

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