Wednesday 24 August 2022

IP Office NOUSER Source Numbers

The following source numbers can also be used on the Source Numbers tab of the NoUser user. These affect all users on the system. Note that these source numbers typically require a reboot of the IP Office system to become effective.

Used to display a specific message about the call type for calls returning after timing out from being parked or held. When configured, the top line on the phone displays Return Call - Parked or Returned Call - Held, instead of the connected party name or line name.

Used to set the fallback time from VoIP trunks to non-VoIP trunks within LCR. See IP Trunk Fallback.

Used to increase the length of names sent for display on DS phones. See Caller Display.

Used to hide the call status information, for example Dial, Conn, etc, on DS phones. Used in conjunction with the LONGER_NAMES option.

ACD_QUEUE_DELAY=nn Software level = Up to 3.2.
Used to change the timeout for still queued messages. The parameter nn can be replace with a time in seconds between 20 and 180. For IP Office 4.0+ this has been replaced by Hunt Group | Announcements.

VM_TRUNCATE_TIME=X Software level = 4.0+, X = 0 to 7 seconds.
On analog trunks, call disconnection can occur though busy tone detection. When such calls go to voicemail to be recorded or leave a message, when the call ends the IP Office indicates to the voicemail system how much to remove from the end of the recording in order to remove the busy tone segment. This amount varies by system locale and the defaults are listed below. For some systems it may be necessary to override the default if analog call recordings are being clipped or include busy tone. That can be done by adding a VM_TRUNCATE_TIME= setting with a value from 0 to 7 seconds.

o New Zealand, Australia, China and Saudi Arabia: 5 seconds.

o Korea: 3 seconds.

All other locales: 7 seconds.

By default, for calls where no incoming caller ID (ICLID) information is available, the IP Office inserts the word "External" wherever ICLID information is normally displayed. The NoUser source number value SHOW_LINEID_NOT_OUTSIDE can be used to make available within the configuration for each trunk and channel Line Name and Channel Name fields. The text entered into those fields is then used with external calls without ICLID information.

o This feature is not used with SIP, IP DECT, E1R2 and S0 lines.

o On T1 lines, a Name field is also made available for individual channels and if set overrides the line name field.

o This feature does not override the display of Withheld if the caller has withheld their ICLID information.

o Where a Name is entered, that value is used to identify calls with no ICLID information.

o For line appearance buttons, if set the Name replaces the Line Appearance ID as the default button label.

Make sure users with twinning show up as busy in tapi when the have a twinned call.

Copied from IP Office NOUSER Source Numbers - Avaya: IP Office FAQ - Tek-Tips

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