Thursday 8 September 2022

Removing Drivers from Windows Driver store (Enabling Core Isolation)

 Sometimes when you are enabling core isolation you may get an error which says drivers are blocking you it form being enabled.

You should then get an option to see which drivers are doing it.  the first check is to see if its an linked to a device you use or just something that could of been installed a while back.

second step would be to check for driver updates for the device and run the scan again.  but if you tried all that and its still not working you can force remove the drivers if they are not linked to a active device.

Open command prompt as administrator.

For a list of drivers you can run
pnputil /enum-drivers

But if you know the inf file you need to remove you can just run the below
pnputil /delete-driver <INF NAME>.inf

The core isolation should give you the inf name as part of the error.

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